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Balance your
, mind + soul

What is reflexology?

Reflexology is an opportunity to support and care for yourself that goes far beyond just your feet.


Reflexology works predominantly through the nervous system and the body's subtle energy pathways to improve the function of and re-balance the body systems.

Reflexology is an art and a science based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet, hands, face, and ears that correspond to all body parts through complex neural pathways. When these reflex areas are stimulated using thumb and finger techniques, it promotes relaxation thus supporting the body to come back to balance and function optimally.



What are the benefits of reflexology?










-Reduces stress

-Brings about relaxation

-Promotes balance and homeostasis of the body

-Improves circulation

-Helps reduce pain

-Improves delivery of oxygen & nutrients to cells

-Promotes better sleep

-Revitalizes energy flow

-Cleanses the body of toxins and impurities

-Provides powerful, preventive health care

"I was in a really rough place when I first got reflexology done by Susan. I was slightly worried that it wouldn't be a good fit for me because of how much trauma I was experiencing emotionally, but I was so, so wrong. I went into the session very anxious and tense, but when I left, I felt so much lighter, physically and mentally. It helped me tremendously during my healing process and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who's interested in feeling more balanced and refreshed."

Clare D.

The Only National Board Certified Reflexologist in the Springfield Area

“When the body is relaxed and the nervous system stimulated, healing has a perfect opportunity to take place.”



-Anthony Buonocore, D.C.
  • How does reflexology work?
    Research shows that the feet, hands, face, and ears have a concentration of nerve and energy pathways. Reflexology applies thumb and finger techniques to reflex areas on these neural and energetic pathways having a profound effect on all parts of the body, including internal organs and glands. Your body is always trying to heal itself, and reflexology supports your bodies (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) in returning to its natural rhythms. Reflexology techniques work based upon these theories*: Energy - Reflexology supports energy flow within body and between organs via electromagnetic/vibrating exchanges between body and spirit. Lactic Acid - Reflexology breaks up accumulation of micro-crystals deposited in feet, releasing resistance, and allowing energy to flow more freely. Proprioceptive Receptors - Reflexology facilitates direct and other, still unclear, connections between areas on the feet, hands, face and ears and the rest of the body. Relaxation Response - Stimulating the thousands of nerves in the feet, hands, face and ears soothes the nervous system. Electrical Impulses - Stimulated by pressure applied to reflexes. Autonomic Impulses - Reflexology reaches subcutaneous receptors through compression therapy on the skin in the feet, hands, face and ears.
  • What’s the difference between working on the feet, hands, face, and ears?
    The feet, hands, face, and ears all have the same reflex areas, but they are distributed differently due to the size and nature of each extremity. It is possible to feel different sensations on the same reflexes of different extremities, especially since each extremity involves different daily uses and tensions. All types of reflexology help to bring the body back to balance. Typically, the differences between the extremities are as followed: Feet: are the largest, so it is easier to reach the reflex areas to all of the organs and glands. Our feet literally support us on this journey of life; we depend on them to get us from place to place. They bear our weight, all our movements, and we often shove them into shoes too small, so they tend to ache and hold stress from our bodies. Hands: are smaller, so many reflexes overlap in the hands, but people often say the hands are the most relaxing. We use our hands for countless tasks every day, and we typically don’t realize how much tension they hold until they are worked on. Face: is in close proximity to the brain, so it has more of an instant effect on neurotransmitters. Facial reflexology is wonderful to help relax and release facial muscles and emotions that are stored in our face from daily and repetitive facial expressions and stressors. Reflexology on the face also has benefits of more a radiant, firmer, and glowing complexion as it helps to increase blood flow, oxygenate facial tissue, and improve lymphatic drainage. Ears: have 300+ reflexology points and are the most effective for pain management. The ears are known to have the most rapid results, as the ear to brain connection is the shortest and most direct neurological micro-system of reflexology.
  • Do I have to undress?
    No. Reflexology is non-invasive. All clothing items are kept on, except for footwear and jewelry, allowing you to feel safe and secure.
  • Is reflexology like massage?
    No, they are different modalities. Massage manipulates soft tissue throughout the whole body’s musculature, using stroking methods. Massage typically requires undressing and flipping on table during a session. Whereas reflexology works on the nervous system using fine thumb and finger techniques. Reflexology is only applied on the feet, hands, face, and ears so it does not require undressing and you stay on your back for the whole session.
  • When should I NOT get reflexology?
    -If you have blood clots, varicose veins, or severe edema -If you have lacerations, open wounds, or sores -After a major, recent surgery (unless approved by doctor) -After an organ transplant (until approved by doctor)
  • How is reflexology recognized?
    Reflexology is recognized worldwide, by many national health organizations including the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and the NCCIH (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health) as an effective and distinct complementary therapy within the field of holistic health. There have been over 300 global research studies on reflexology, including several major studies with the National Cancer Institute (NCI).
  • How does facial cupping work? Will it leave a bruise like body cupping?
    The suction from the cups draw blood flow towards the skin’s surface, tricking the skin into thinking it’s been damaged, which triggers the body to repair itself. The natural healing process of the skin stimulates the production of oxygenated blood, collagen and fibroblasts, resulting in the skin looking plump, glowing, and healthy. There is a possibility of bruising, but it is not likely as the techniques for facial cupping do not include the cups staying stagnant in one spot for longer than a few seconds. If bruising occurs, arnica gel will be applied.

*Norman, Laura. “What Is Reflexology?” Laura Norman Holistic Reflexology, 5 June 2023,

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