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Image by Kristine Walker

Reflexology is an integrative health practice which maps a reflection of the body on the feet, hands, face, and ears. It uses unique manual techniques to deliver pressure to neural pathways, assisting the body to function optimally.


Reflexology is an art and a science based on the premise that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet, hands, face, and ears that correspond to all body parts, and when they are stimulated promote relaxation thus allowing the body to come back to balance.


The benefits of reflexology include, but are not limited to:

  1. Reducing stress and bringing about relaxation

  2. Improving circulation and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells

  3. Promoting balance and homeostasis of the body naturally

  4. Revitalizing energy and restoring mental attentiveness

  5. Cleansing the body of toxins and impurities


Touch can be powerful and healing. As humans, touch is vital to our being. Touch is a cherished act, it is an exchange of energy. The reality of today is we live in a touch-deprived culture; we are “touch starved.” Being deprived from loving and caring touch can be “a major contributing factor towards addictions and neurosis behavior (1),” and could be a reason “why we have so much domestic violence and so much depression (2).” It is understandable that many people can be averse to and have challenges with being touched due to body image, abuse, trauma, etc. Reflexology can be a SAFE and therapeutic solution as you DO NOT DISROBE, but you can still receive the much-needed “nurturing that can be experienced through the avenue of touch (3).”


Our feet in particular endure so much, from walking, standing, climbing, dancing, shoving them into shoes too small. We are constantly using and bearing weight on our feet, often taking them for granted without much appreciation and nurturing given back to them. Reflexology is an opportunity to support and care for ourselves that goes far beyond just our feet. Our feet contain more than 14,000 nerves. Stimulating these nerves encourage the opening and clearing of neural pathways. Being a holistic practice, reflexology works on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. For thousands of years the body has been viewed with having paths of energy. We have ten energy zones, or meridians, that run from our heads, through our bodies, ending in the soles of our feet. Working these zones stimulates our life force energy known as chi/qi, helping to move stagnant energy and emotions as we store pent-up emotions in the body.


A reflexologist does not cure or heal.

A reflexologist is a mere facilitator that allows the body to heal itself.

“Reflexology works with subtle energy flows, revitalizing the body so that the natural internal healing mechanisms of the body can do their own work.”

-Laura Norman, M.S., LMT, NBCR

(1,3) Norman, Laura. “Professional Foot Reflexology Certification Part 1.” The Laura Norman Method of Reflexology. 4 Jan. 2023.


(2) Dollemore, Doug, et al. “Acupressure.” New Choices in Natural Healing: Over 1,800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative Medicine, edited by Bill Gottlieb, Rodale Press, Emmaus, Penn., 1995, p. 18.


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